Forgiveness and Self Appreciation
Forgiveness, Emotional Freedom and Self Appreciation
Forgiveness: Two Life-Changing Guided Audios to FREE Yourself From The PAST And Open Your Heart For Love And Self-Appreciation.
Are you ready to let go of what keeps you stuck?
When you let go of anger, hesitation self-doubt or fear, it frees you up, like a weight being lifted off your shoulders it opens you to new possibilities, releases energy, and allows you to more efficiently get where you want to go.
Forgive Others
In the first exercise you are guided through workable strategies to forgive others and let go of old hurts, so that you no longer have to relive painful feelings every time you remember the situation. You keep the ALL the lessons learned but without the pain.
The second guided visualization is a beautiful exercise in Self-Appreciation that helps you Make Peace With Your Past and See Yourself as You Truly Are.
This exercise is all about you! Throughout this audio you will practice appreciating so you can give and receive love more fully.
When we hold onto guilt and resentment toward ourselves, it often leads to a cycle of punishment and self-sabotage. This in turn lowers self-esteem, creating more unhappiness and more guilt. Self-Acceptance, on the other hand, is one of the most important aspects of living a happier life.
"At the end of our last seminar in Florida, Mandy had us all get comfortable in our seats, she turned down the lights and said she was going to do a guided forgiveness exercise. I immediately thought to myself that this sounded nice, but didn't feel it would really apply, as I had spent a lot of time letting go of my past resentments.
Little did I know I had not yet forgiven myself. I had never realized how much I held myself to blame, and how I had never even considered I might be allowed to forgive my own mistakes.
To say this experience was profound would be to minimize my experience, simply this was life changing. I really became freed up to move into the next level of my life."
Michelle, Owner, Valeo Therapeutics
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