“How To” Self Hypnosis: A Complete Guide For Learning To Do Self-Hypnosis
Easy Self Hypnosis for Real Results
Learning Self Hypnosis is Easy and Affordable!Here is what self hypnosis can help you do::
- BUILD CONFIDENCE& Positive Self Esteem
- FEEL better, healthier and more joyful
- ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS quicker and easier
- ALIGN your CONSCIOUS INTENTION with your unconscious workings so you can leap over obstacles and reach your goals
- OVERCOME negativity and self sabotage
- CHANGE HABITS (Think you've got a tough habit, like overeating or smoking? This process has been proven effective for heroin addiction!)
- DEVELOP a winning mindset
- ELIMINATE self-doubt
With Self Hypnosis you could be making real life changes each time you practice these easy to apply techniques...
As you practice, you will start to experience:
- More enjoyment in your life
- An increase in energy with a sense of well-being
- Increase your skills at work, school and/or sports
- An increased ability to stay positive, focused and motivated
- You will deepen the connection and pleasure of ALL your relationships
How Can I Say All That?
I can say that because those are the real life results my students have achieved over the past sixteen years..
And I have seen the results of how people, just like you, lose weight, cure insomnia, stop smoking, reduce stress, and effortlessly let go of unwanted habits.
Most people use self hypnosis as a dynamic form of meditation, for managing stress and staying positive and focused. Others use it as a life -changing tool:
One practitioner I worked with overcame his ten-year addiction to heroin -- within 30 days!
Seventeen years ago I was legally blind. I literally couldn't pass the State eye test for a driver's license with corrected vision. Thanks to self hypnosis my corrected vision is almost 20/20 today.
You don't have to be expert on self-hypnosis to see results. You just have to follow some very clear and simple steps that I will share with you.
What can you expect to happen? Don't limit yourself. I've seen lives of ordinary men and women changed dramatically.
Think of it like this: your unconscious mind, like the software on your computer, runs mainly on automatic programs.
Like a computer being upgraded, the good news - GREAT news, really -- is that you don't have to understand what your old programs are, or why you have them, in order to let yourself overwrite and change them now.
In the same way you can install a new program on your computer and it removes and replaces the old program, you can overwrite your own negative programming and FEEL good while you do it, noticing how the deepest levels of your mind and body are transformed for the better
In fact, the best estimate of some neuroscientists is that a full 90% of what we do is a result of unconscious reflexes.
The problem for us is that all too often our unconscious processes are operating under instructions that work in opposition to what we want in life...
...It is this 90% which self hypnosis will help you reach and control.
You Might Be Surprised How Easily and Naturally You Learn Self Hypnosis
First I explain the ins and outs of each technique, one at a time.
Then we practice them together, first, one at a time, eventually combining steps so you get a sense of the flow. Finally I guide you through longer exercises to so you can experience an entire session from beginning to end.
The How to Self Hypnosis Audio package guides you through easy-to-follow progressions so you can practice, step by step, at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home, hotel room or office.
The audios are in mp3 format and can be instantly downloaded to your PC or MAC (or Iphone) or you can listen to them online.
Each time you practice self hypnosis you will find you move more quickly into a deep state of being, and experience better results more easily, in every area of your life.
What Do You Get?
A FOUR MODULE audio program that teaches you everything you need to know about self hypnosis and guides you through all the processes. At the end of the self hypnosis training you can practice on your own -- or use the guided audio exercises for your practice.
Module 1: How to Self Hypnosis Basics
- Learn how to use creative visualization, one of the more powerful tools for your self hypnosis process
- We will explore real life examples of how others use self hypnosis for benefits throughout their lives
- Learn how to change your language, learn what to say and not to say so that your brain will automatically solve problems for you
- You will learn that anyone can use self hypnosis, you do not need to have ever have been hypnotized before to be successful
- Discover how past experiences can cause you to sabotage future results and what to do about it.
- The powerful Laws of Programming that will direct your subconscious mind to automatically move you forward toward achieving your goals
Module 2: The Self Hypnosis Process
You will learn and practice everything you need to know to enter into a deep state, what to do when you are there and how to come out. Specifically you will experience:
- How to use "Post-hypnotic Suggestion" as the gift that keeps giving. Learn to extend and duplicate the benefits and good feelings of your sessions
- The See-Hear-Feel Induction to enter hypnosis
- Three ways to effortlessly come out of hypnosis
- Five ways to deepen your state so you can enjoy profoundly soothing states. You will be better equipped to influence your unconscious programming
Module 3: Self Hypnosis Techniques
- The right way to use suggestions and affirmations
- Creating anchors or triggers to bring on resourceful states
- The Feeling Bridge Technique to program "states of being" into present and future situations
- How to use CODEWORDS to trigger thoughts, feelings, motivation and beliefs like a shortcut on your desk top
- How to "program yourself" to reach a specific goal
- How to get rid of unwanted habits and replace then with ones you do want
Bonus Module 4: Closed Eye Guided Process
In this module Mandy personally guides you into a deeply relaxed, receptive state, so you can "program" yourself to achieve the outcomes that are important to you.
- You will completely unwind, release stress and rejuvenate yourself.
- You will learn how to create the internal resources necessary to achieve and enjoy success.
You are going to love this exercise, on its own, it would be worth the price of the whole program!
SAVE 68% All four modules now only $47. Reg $147.
Plus the program comes with a 100% 30-day Money-back guarantee.
*Note: If you are downloading on a mobile device, please ensure you have an app that will open zip files (if you don't, just go to your app store and search for a zip file opener, it's normally a free app).
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